On March 20th, we continued our weekly free Ask Maven Anything webinar series with experts to answer some of the most common questions we’re receiving from members about how the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is impacting women and families.
Dr. Brian Levine, Reproductive Endocrinologist and founding partner of CCRM, and Dr. Jane van Dis, Maven Medical Director and OB-GYN, joined Kate Ryder on everything you need to know about the latest fertility guidance from ASRM, what to know if your due date is soon, and more. The Q&A is below, or watch the full 30-minute webinar.
Some of the questions discussed include:
- How much difference does a month or two make now that there is this pause for retrievals and transfers in IVF or egg freezing?
- How are hospitals currently preparing for safe deliveries?
- What should I do if I’m currently in-cycle in fertility?
- If someone gets pregnant right now naturally, what do they need to know?
- Is it safe to take anxiety medication if I’m currently pregnant?
“As of today, we are telling everyone that we’re going to wait until March 30th when the American Society for Reproductive Medicine comes out with another statement where they help guide us guide our patients,” shared Dr. Brian Levine. “It’s frustrating, but it’s for the safety of both the patients and the providers in the clinic.”
“What pregnant women need to know is that hospitals are not going to be giving away their L&D [labor and delivery] rooms,” explained Dr. Jane van Dis. “Pregnancy is not an elective case, and those units will still be operating.”
Q: ASRM came out with guidelines this week for fertility patients. Can you please explain those and what they mean?
Dr. Brian Levine: ASRM, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, is one of the bodies that advises fertility doctors as well as the OB-GYNs who practice reproductive endocrinology and infertility, on best practices. Effectively, the ASRM came forward with a position statement on March 17th explaining that, right now, we don’t know the effects of COVID-19 on people who are trying to get pregnant, stay pregnant, or are in other phases or trimesters of their pregnancy.
In this guidance, ASRM presented four strong statements:
- Don’t start any treatment right now, unless it’s an emergency.
- Delay the transfer of embryos and delay freezing eggs.
- Talk to your providers about using teleconference or telemedicine to limit your exposure to other people.
- Make a plan with your doctor if you’re in the midst of a cycle right now, or in process with a gestational surrogacy or carrier.
These are very broad statements, but the key takeaway message is: let’s take a pause, and ASRM will be revisiting this on March 30th.
Q: If a woman becomes pregnant naturally in the next eight weeks, what should she do?
Dr. Brian Levine: If someone gets pregnant in the next eight weeks, they don’t need to panic. They just need to be a good citizen and follow all of the latest recommendations from the CDC. They should talk to their OB-GYN through a virtual appointment, and ask them for their advice.
If you do get a positive pregnancy test, it is important to know that it’s a pregnancy that is intrauterine and not an ectopic pregnancy. Right now, there’s no guidance given about changing any management or therapies, and you should just treat yourself like you would if you were pregnant any other time, except stay at home, practice social distancing, and call your doctor rather than scheduling an in-person appointment.
Q: Here’s a question from a woman in her late 30s with low AMH levels, who was scheduled to start an egg freezing cycle, which has now been postponed: how much difference does a month or two make if we’re taking a pause on a lot of these retrievals and treatments?
Dr. Brian Levine: This is probably the #1 question that we’re getting; we’re hearing, “I get it, I need to pause, but for how long because my body is still aging at the same rate it was before all of this”. The truth is, we don’t know. No one’s fertility is predictable. What we’re telling people right now is: it’s not going to be impossible to freeze your eggs in the future, but it won’t be in the imminent future. As of today, we’re telling our patients that we’re going to wait until March 30th when the ASRM comes out with their next statement where they guide us to help guide our patients. It’s frustrating, but it’s for the safety of both the patients and the providers.
Q: Given the pause, should patients be expecting wait times once cycles resume again?
Dr. Brian Levine: We’re preparing for a surge of patients that will likely come through the door. Simply put, individuals are not predictable with their cycles. The mental stress of going through this COVID-19 pandemic can lead to people having a change in their regular menstrual cycles. Most likely, when we do get the green light that it’s okay to proceed with evaluating and treating patients, we’ll have people who are in multiple phases of their menstrual cycles.
If clinics do go to full shutdown, there is a natural phase that has to occur to allow the clinic to ramp back up when the time is right. That means getting incubators and other tools back online and up to the quality assurance and quality control level that they need to be at in order to handle eggs and embryos.
Patients should know that there might be a backlog, or there might not. There could be more patients than available opportunities to treat them in the initial few weeks to months--depending on how long this delay is.
Q: Should men be freezing their sperm right now?
Dr. Brian Levine: The COVID-19 outbreak is not a reason to go to your doctor and freeze your sperm ahead of time. We know is that any febrile illness (the clinical term for a fever, or elevated body temperature) can cause issues with male fertility and sperm production. It takes approximately 72 days for a man to be able to produce a single spermatozoa, but it’s a continuum and men keep making sperm every single day. If someone has a high fever, it’s expected that their sperm count will drop after that, and it will take approximately three months for them to fully recover. But COVID-19 is not similar to Zika virus, where the virus could be living in your semen, testicles, or the tissue surrounding the sperm. The key takeaway is an illness with a high fever like COVID-19 can cause a drop in your total sperm count, but your numbers do rebound and freezing your sperm proactively is not necessary.
Q: What is the latest information for pregnant women and COVID-19?
Dr. Jane van Dis: It’s really important to emphasize for everyone that four out of five people who contract the virus get it from someone who wasn’t showing any symptoms, which is why social distancing is so important. At this time, we know that symptoms are appearing in 2-9 days, and that the median time is five days after encountering the virus. This is all information that was presented by the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine on March 19. We’re still looking at approximately 80% who contract the virus getting mildly ill, and 14% requiring hospitalization.
- For pregnant women: ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) has issued helpful guidelines, and they put out a practice algorithm last Friday (March 13) sharing with us that still, a fever greater than 100.4, and one or more of the following--cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or gastrointestinal symptoms--are signs that you need to call your doctor and get advice.
- For parents: In pediatric literature, there is good and interesting news coming from a study looking at 2100 pediatric infections in China that reveals 90% of those children had asymptomatic or mild-to-moderate infections, and only 6% had severe infections. And that’s compared to 15-20% of adults. So we’re still seeing children are capable of getting infections, but 90% of the children in this study had mild infections. And then a study coming out of Italy looking, again, at children showed that only 1.2% of cases in this cohort occurred in children 18 and under.
Every week, we’re getting new information about the effects on pregnant women and children, and we will convey those to you.
Q: For people delivering in the next eight weeks, how should they think about changes to their birth plan?
Dr. Jane van Dis: This question is on a lot of pregnant women’s minds. Delivery will still be based on gestational age, how far along you are, whether there are any maternal indications such as severe preeclampsia, or whether there are any fetal indications such as intrauterine growth restriction, the baby not growing very well, or the like. The standard protocols by which we recommend delivery are still in practice and being followed.
Q: Should people fear that hospitals will not have room for pregnant women?
Dr. Jane van Dis: What pregnant women need to know is that hospitals are not going to be giving away their Labor & Delivery rooms. Pregnancy is not an elective case, and those units will still be operating for deliveries only.