Ashlie’s Maven Story: Accessing Care the Moment It’s Needed

While pregnant with her daughter, Ashlie joined Maven for help and advice with her birthing plan. But she quickly realized the impact Maven could have when her Virtual Doula helped her realize she was going into labor - within minutes.

Ashlie’s Maven Story: Accessing Care the Moment It’s Needed

Ashlie, a first-time mom from San Diego working for a genetic testing company, began using Maven during her second trimester for doula support, and later for lactation support and pediatric specialist care. 

She looked to Maven for instructions and advice at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to get answers to questions she and her husband had between in-person provider visits. Ashlie was impressed with the speed of responses, the quality of guidance, and the genuineness of each interaction with Maven providers and her Care Advocate.

A virtual doula, a real-world impact

Having started her journey on Maven in the middle of her second trimester, one of the first providers Ashlie contacted was a doula. “Since I was pregnant in the middle of COVID, I could only have one care person in the delivery room with me, either my husband or someone else. Being a first-time parent, I really wanted someone else to guide us through all the things we didn’t know, so I reached out to a few virtual doulas through Maven.

Ashlie’s doula walked her and her husband through “a laundry list of resources” they could use at home to prepare and ease discomfort of early labor, including pain reduction techniques, and exercises they could do during delivery. The doula even gave her husband a checklist of things to remember at the hospital while Ashlie was in labor. After their initial conversations, Ashlie spoke to her doula once more when she thought she was experiencing false contractions, and needed quick advice. The doula replied within minutes:

“She had told me that whenever I needed her I could send a message and she’d reply as soon as she could. When that moment came, she really came through. My husband described my symptoms to her over the phone, thinking that maybe these false contractions were real. She confirmed my thinking and gently suggested I call my doctor. I absolutely credit Maven and our doula for making sure I got to the hospital on time.”

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Why wait three months when you can wait three hours?

Giving birth during COVID meant Ashlie and her family didn’t have access to the typical resources they’d expect. Their hospital was only offering classes virtually, wait times for in-person appointments were longer than usual, and Ashlie wanted to limit in-person provider visits with her newborn daughter. Consequently, getting answers to the many questions a new parent has, and getting care when they needed it, was exceedingly difficult through traditional means. 

“I didn’t want to take my new baby out into the world and risk exposure more than was necessary. After my daughter was treated for a tongue tie, my doctor recommended I speak to an occupational therapist, but we couldn’t get an appointment for three months. That’s a long time when it comes to a baby’s development.”

Ashlie and her husband turned to Maven, booking appointments with several Lactation Consultants to get consensus advice. Her Care Advocate recommended a provider and she got an appointment within three hours, as opposed to waiting three months. “We followed their advice, and by the time we got to our in-person appointment, they more or less confirmed the work we’d already been doing.”

A trusted resource for information and advice

Raising a newborn often comes with unexpected questions and unpredictable obstacles. The traditional postpartum care journey doesn’t sufficiently meet those needs, and with significant wait times for in-person appointments, new parents like Ashlie often turn to friends, family, or social media for advice and support. Waiting for a reply, a call back, or an appointment, can be “stressful,” says Ashlie.

“We turn to Google and to mommy blogs, but there’s a lot of conflicting advice from people who probably aren’t even qualified to give that information. I like to have data and research behind what I’m doing, and typically a practitioner has that knowledge.”

With Maven, Ashlie was able to ask questions or get advice within hours, whether it was for her baby or for herself. “It’s all very quick. I can book appointments online and plan around my schedule, feedings, or naps.” Speed, accuracy, and variety have made all the difference for Ashlie’s family. Having access to a variety of options and speciality providers was “extremely helpful.”

“I had a sinus infection and I couldn’t get to the doctor since my primary care physician is 45 minutes away and I had a newborn. I reached out to a Maven provider who met with me within hours. And they even gave me a prescription. Within a day it was taken care of,” she said. Thanks to Maven, Ashlie was able to have her questions answered, her needs addressed, and receive the care she needed to successfully navigate the early days of parenthood.

“Everyone says it takes a village to raise a baby, but a lot of times there just isn’t an option for a village. Utilizing resources and planning ahead is really helpful, and Maven is one of those resources that can help you be successful and reduce stress.”

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