Sarah’s Maven story: Holistic care from fertility to postpartum

Learn how Sarah used Maven to find compassionate, informative care as she navigated fertility, pregnancy, and parenthood.

Sarah’s Maven story: Holistic care from fertility to postpartum

When Sarah, a Boston-based postdoctoral fellow and researcher, and her husband began to try for a second child, she decided to sign up for Maven. Sarah accessed Maven through her husband’s benefits at Microsoft and instantly found compassionate, informative care. Through the personal connections she made with Maven providers including nutritionists, midwives, lactation consultants, and sleep coaches, Sarah felt more prepared for her journey from preconception to postpartum. 

Expert care at the touch of a button

Sarah started out by meeting with fertility experts, including a fertility coach and nutritionist. Her care team helped her choose what types of vitamins to take and how to use her diet to support her fertility. “The first time I tried to get pregnant, it took two months, and the second time, it took five months,” Sarah explains. “In those five months, I would meet with my providers regularly and ask about what I could be doing differently.” 

When Sarah did get pregnant, she faced unexpected complications. She had morning sickness for five months, and then had an emergency surgery when she was eight months pregnant to remove an ovarian cyst. “I had a terrible pregnancy from day one,” Sarah remembers. “Which is why I think I’ve met with almost every type of Maven provider.” Sarah loved that on Maven, she had the freedom to meet with more than one provider type. She also had unlimited access to her providers, meeting with them as many times as she needed as she navigated the ups and downs of her pregnancy. 

Sometimes if you ask too many questions, you get judged or labeled as the ‘anxious patient.’ I don’t have to worry about that with Maven.

With her in-person providers, Sarah felt anxious about asking too many questions or requesting too much time. “I had a lot of questions and wanted to really understand what’s happening,” Sarah says. “Sometimes it would feel like such a hassle to get in touch with my in-person midwife.” She would experience a symptom and would worry that it wasn’t normal—if she called her midwife, she might get a voicemail, leave a message, and play phone tag with her provider. “Maven was helpful because I could just message a midwife and quickly ask, ‘Hey, is this normal?’” The ease and accessibility of Maven was key for Sarah. Because of her morning sickness and emergency surgery, a lot of her pregnancy was managing uncomfortable symptoms. Which meant that she had a lot of questions. “Sometimes if you ask too many questions, you get judged or labeled as the ‘anxious patient.’ I don’t have to worry about that with Maven.” 

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Continuity of care with compassionate providers

When Sarah had her baby, she started meeting with a Maven lactation consultant. “She’s one of  my favorite people on Earth. So I’ve met with her multiple times.” She also continued to meet with the nutritionist who supported her when she was trying to get pregnant. “I’ve been meeting with my fertility nutritionist recently because after postpartum, I had more insulin resistance, and she’s been really helpful with that.” 

But one of the most important people on Sarah’s care team was her infant sleep coach. “My current best friend is my sleep coach. We’ve been meeting with her for about three months.” Sarah felt especially connected to her Maven providers because they’ve helped her work through vulnerable, sensitive topics. Research shows that new parents are increasingly subject to judgment and surveillance, especially about subjects like breastfeeding and sleep. New parents are in an incredibly vulnerable position when they come to providers, which is why it’s so important for them to feel comfortable and safe. “My Maven providers have seen me in vulnerable places. I meet with them virtually and sometimes haven’t showered or slept. With Maven, my providers are like, ‘Oh, it's fine if you haven't showered. I get it.’” 

After Sarah’s surgery during her pregnancy, she wasn’t sure if she had a hernia or scar tissue. Sarah was able to work closely with a physical support coach who she relied on for second opinions and helped her create a personalized rehabilitation plan. “Maven not only serves as a resource to give me answers, but also as a safe space where I can bring my whole self to these providers.” 

Holistic support through every stage of family building

I’m a person who likes to explore both Western and Eastern medicines. That’s super accessible on Maven. I’ve met with OB-GYNs and midwives, or pediatricians and naturopaths.

Sarah appreciated that Maven took into account different ways of approaching medicine. “I’m a person who likes to explore both Western and Eastern medicines,” Sarah explains. “That’s super accessible on Maven. I’ve met with OB-GYNs and midwives, or pediatricians and naturopaths.” Before Maven, Sarah’s felt like she's gotten a message that one type of provider is better than the other. “On Maven, all the providers are trying to help you be healthier.” 

Maven saves us a ton of money. Just our sleep coach alone would have cost us thousands of dollars.

Maven was also helpful to Sarah and her family in terms of their financial wellness and easing the financial anxiety of pregnancy and parenthood. “Maven saves us a ton of money. Just our sleep coach alone would have cost us thousands of dollars.” Sarah felt grateful to her husband’s employer Microsoft for offering Maven and helping her through the ups and downs of growing her family. “Parenting is so stressful, with the constant risk assessment and decision making,” explains Sarah. “Maven gives you the information you need.” 

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