Allison's Maven Story: Inclusive Care and Pregnancy Support

Allison turned to Maven for support while pregnant with her first child and found instant access to everything from Doula support to lactation consulting.

Allison's Maven Story: Inclusive Care and Pregnancy Support

Allison is a clinical specialist at a medical device company based in Portland, Maine, and turned to Maven for support while she was pregnant with her first child. She spoke to us about building trusting relationships with our providers and the step-by-step support she received from pregnancy through returning to work. Watch her story here, or read on for the highlights.

Watch Allison's Maven Story

What was your initial impression of Maven?

I was on vacation just as we were starting to hear more and more about COVID. I remember contacting Maven’s on-call OB right as I was supposed to get on the plane back — we knew almost nothing about COVID at the time — and she coached me through that. That was my first interaction. I thought, ‘This is amazing.’ Instead of calling my primary care provider, leaving a message, waiting 24 hours, I sent in my question and got a call back in 10 minutes.

How did you end up using Maven from there?

I probably have gotten more out of Maven than anybody at my company. Before COVID hit, my wife and I had really wanted to use a local doula. We knew nothing about having a baby, but we hesitated about the cost. And then my company launched Maven, and we thought, “Well, this is perfect.” Barbara, our Maven doula, was amazing. We scheduled our first appointment in the spring, my wife and I got on. We had no idea what we were getting into and she just spent the whole time educating us. After that, I talked to her every month. She probably got the first picture of our daughter when she was born.

To have someone with us who knew what was going on — it was just the best.

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I felt so supported having Maven. I feel like there’s a piece designed for every step of the way.

Did you use Maven for postpartum?

Yes, from the very first day. We got home and my daughter threw up, and I texted the on-call pediatrician right away. Night one.

I ended up working very closely with a lactation consultant. Initially it was questions like: “Am I doing this right?” Then it was, “OK, I’m going back to work next month, what’s pumping going to be like? I’m on the road a lot. I’m in my car. How do I store my milk? How do I clean my pump parts?” I ended up with mastitis, and she helped me through all of that.

Everyone on Maven is so quick to get back to you, and so good about following up. Once I got back to work, the days could be crazy, and it’d be so nice to see an email from Maven — “you’ve got a note from your provider.” They’ll ask you how everything is going, how the night went.

I felt so supported having Maven. I feel like there’s a piece designed for every step of the way.

How did you feel Maven complemented your in-person care?

My in-person OB is great. But having Maven to talk to about all these different things makes pregnancy so much easier. Even if I wanted to do a lactation appointment through my OB’s office it would not be anywhere as close to as easy as it is through Maven. 

What’s one thing you wish someone had told you before your journey?

The laundry can wait, the dishes can wait. They grow up so fast. Really, they do.

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