Shane’s Maven Story: Inclusive support for expectant dads

Maven empowered first-time dad Shane with personalized support and care throughout his family-building journey.

Shane’s Maven Story: Inclusive support for expectant dads

Shane, a first-time dad, turned to Maven for support and guidance throughout his wife’s pregnancy and the postpartum period. Shane accessed Maven through his employer, AT&T, and quickly realized how Maven’s inclusive content developed for both parents and 24/7 on-demand care made him more comfortable and confident as he started his parenting journey. 

Watch Shane's Maven story here

Learning what to expect as a dad  

Skim most books on preparing for parenthood, and there’s a fair amount of information on caring for a newborn and how the pregnant partner can take care of themselves. But even today, new dads may struggle to find information to help them navigate their parenting journey. Once he found Maven, he felt more confident, capable and connected to Erica. “One thing I love about Maven is how there’s content geared toward dads,” Shane says. “I loved the content that would come to my inbox every week and how they would guide me to an article dedicated to expecting fathers.” Weekly emails from Maven gave Shane a sense of how his baby was growing and what his wife was going through.  

Of course, the experiences for the pregnant parent and their partner are different, both physically and emotionally. But with Maven, Shane learned more about how he could support Erica throughout her pregnancy. “These are hard concepts to break down to an expectant dad who is just watching their wife grow and deal with different things you haven’t experienced,” Shane explains. “But Maven helped me empathize and be there for her because I understood it more.” Maven also gave Shane and Erica a chance to learn about newborn care together in the on-demand virtual class, Newborn Care 101, taught by a certified doula. Shane appreciated how invested the provider was in making sure every expectant parent felt like their voice was heard. “The instructor answered every question,” Shane remembers. “We were not only able to hear other expectant parents’ questions but also know that our questions and concerns were valued.” 

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Maven members share their stories

Maven members share their stories

Maven members share their stories about how family benefits offered them essential support as they started, grew, and raised their families.

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Guidance for being a supportive partner in the parenthood journey 

Once Shane and Erica’s baby was born, Shane continued to use Maven to help him understand how he could be there for his family. Support looks different for everyone, and for Shane, it looked like gaining knowledge and understanding of each stage of his wife’s postpartum period and his baby’s development. Like many new parents, Erica and Shane had a lot of questions that came up outside his pediatrician’s office hours. “In the beginning, I found myself Googling things and getting crazy answers,” remembers Erica. “I love that Maven is a resource where you can ask questions 24/7 and get trusted answers.” 

It was helpful to have a provider to talk through anything Shane or Erica were going through, at any time. “For me, it was really about supporting her,” Shane says. “That’s been my drive to use Maven: to learn how to be the best teammate for her as we go through this journey and weather the ups and downs.” With information and support from Maven content and providers, Shane felt calmer and more prepared to take on any challenges the parenting journey sent his way. “Maven gave me peace of mind,” Shane explains. “I think that transfers over to your partner in times of stress and doubt and uncertainty.” 

How AT&T’s family benefits supports new parents

When Shane found out he had access to Maven, it was another part of a generous parental support package offered by his employer, AT&T. Not only does AT&T offer free, unlimited access to Maven for employees, Shane also got 12 weeks of paid parental leave to spend with his new baby and care for his wife. By offering comprehensive and inclusive support for all parents, AT&T set Shane and Erica up for success in their parenting journey. “It feels amazing to be able to access Maven through AT&T. Maven helped me be more empathetic, more caring, more resourceful, and more supportive for Erica. It makes me feel like AT&T cares about my family.” This support from Maven and AT&T empowered Shane to be the knowledgeable and compassionate partner he wanted to be through Erica’s pregnancy and beyond. 

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