Alleviating the high-cost of fertility treatments
For aspiring parents struggling to conceive, fertility treatments bring tremendous hope. They also can bring weighty financial debt. According to FertilityIQ, In 2018, the average fertility patient paid more than $22,000 per in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle, and those costs are expected to balloon to $25,000 by 2025. For many patients, fertility treatment costs can escalate to $50,000 or more, adding more stress and anxiety to an already emotionally charged situation. For others, just the prospect of the fertility expense can be overwhelming and deter them from starting the journey.
Through partnerships with two specialty pharmacies nationwide, MavenRx gives Maven fertility members access to fertility medications at up to a 60% discount, along with complimentary expedited shipping. The member journey looks like this:
- The Maven fertility member receives an initial consultation with their Maven Care Advocate, who provides recommendations for fertility clinics and makes the member aware of their MavenRx benefit and specialty pharmacy.
- The member selects a fertility clinic and schedules an appointment. When a fertility treatment protocol is determined, the member directs the clinic to send the prescription to their specialty pharmacy.
- The member receives the medication discounts, and the pharmacy delivers the medications for free using same-day or next-day shipping.
- If the member’s employer provides reimbursement, the member can submit for reimbursement using the Maven Wallet app.
Providing 24x7 support through a challenging fertility regimen
Reducing the financial burden of fertility treatments is just the beginning. MavenRx gives women and their partners the support often needed to handle a highly complex, multi-day, stress-inducing regimen that includes:
- Storing and refrigerating medications
- Preparing medications for injection
- Self-injecting medications in the right way, at precisely the right time
- Managing side effects and pain from the medications
Research has shown that women with infertility suffer from the same level of anxiety and depression as those with cancer or heart disease. Sadly, the challenges of fertility treatment can make things worse.
Maven’s fertility program guides members through the entire fertility journey, from choosing a fertility clinic and selecting a treatment option, to 24/7 support from reproductive endocrinologists and mental health providers, and access to a community of members on similar journeys. MavenRx provides another vital layer of support, including:
- On-demand unboxing support: the specialty pharmacy will explain to the member what’s in their shipment, how to store the medications, how to prepare for injection, and how to manage side effects.
- Instructional videos that walk the member through how to inject fertility medications.
- 24/7 on-call support: pharmacists available to answer any questions the member may have regarding their medications.
As your organization evaluates fertility benefits, consider the importance of moving beyond reimbursement to fully support your people through one of life’s most stressful experiences. The physical, mental, emotional and financial health of the workforce is the foundation of a healthy business.
Get in touch to learn more about MavenRx and our holistic fertility support.