Consider the statistic you may be well aware of by now: 43% of women with children leave careers or off-ramp for a period of time. Often, these women leave reluctantly, because staying in their jobs become challenging or even impossible. Of course, this outcome can be expensive for employers, as the cost of replacing an employee can be as much as 150% of her annual salary.
As more companies become aware of the challenges new parents face, many are starting to offer one-on-one coaching to help employees prepare for parental leave and navigate their transition when they return. It’s an investment that not only helps new parents immensely, but also provides numerous benefits to employers.
The Ins & Outs of Career Coaching for New Parents
By helping employees cope with issues that can drive new parents out the door, career coaches can help companies reduce turnover costs. The issues that lead new parents to quit their jobs are different for everyone, but the struggles include unreliable child care, unsupportive managers, health problems related to childbirth, separation anxiety and postpartum depression, just to name a few. Navigating these difficulties without support often makes off-ramping seem like the only viable option.
“The issues that lead new parents to quit their jobs are different for everyone, but the struggles include unreliable child care, unsupportive managers, health problems related to childbirth, separation anxiety and postpartum depression, just to name a few.”