Pamela’s Maven Story: Care that is always there

Pamela, a Maven member and new mom, describes Maven as, “everything you could ever want to help you through your pregnancy and beyond.”

Pamela’s Maven Story: Care that is always there

Pamela, a first-time mom from Atlanta, turned to Maven for support through every phase of her pregnancy journey. From coping with a pregnancy loss to pregnancy and postpartum, Maven helped her feel supported and reassured no matter what challenges she faced. 

Watch Pamela's Maven Story

Compassion through miscarriage 

Pamela always knew she wanted to be a mom. When she got the news that she and her partner John were pregnant for the first time, she was thrilled.  But during a routine check-up early in her pregnancy, her doctor delivered the unexpected news that her pregnancy had stopped developing—she miscarried. Pamela was, of course, devastated. “At that moment… all you really want is just some empathy and compassion.” An estimated one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, which takes a serious toll—early pregnancy loss leads to post-traumatic stress disorder in one in three women. But most women do not receive any mental health support after a miscarriage, making this a hidden public health issue often not addressed by traditional healthcare systems.

Pamela turned to Maven, which she had access to through her employer, and let her Care Advocate know what happened. Her Care Advocate enrolled her in Maven’s pregnancy loss program and connected her with a therapist to help her cope with her loss. “That was really, really helpful in my recovery to just be able to talk to someone about it,” says Pamela. “I just felt like Maven really got what I was going through.” 

On-demand care during pregnancy and postpartum

When Pamela got pregnant the second time, she knew Maven was a resource she could count on to provide trustworthy and compassionate support. During the critical moments of her pregnancy when she needed help, Maven was there. For example, when Pamela was in early labor, she wasn’t sure what her contractions were supposed to feel like or if what she felt was normal. She got on the phone with a Maven OB to understand her experience—and within minutes the OB helped Pamela time her contractions to find out when it was time to go to the hospital. “If I need to talk to somebody right now, all I need to do is reach in my pocket and grab my phone and I can get in touch with a provider fast,” Pamela explains. 

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Maven members share their stories

Maven members share their stories

Maven members share their stories about how family benefits offered them essential support as they started, grew, and raised their families.

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After she gave birth to her son Landon, Pamela continued to use Maven throughout the early days of parenthood to help answer the inevitable questions new parents have. She looked to Maven for advice and support for everything from breastfeeding to nutrition to her career. “I'm super grateful that Maven was there for me trying to figure out how to do life as a new mom,” Pamela says. 

“Maven is everything. It’s like having a doctor in your pocket.”

A homebase for all things parenting

Maven served as a homebase for Pamela’s various parenthood needs—she knew that at any time of day she could find an answer to any question. She used the breadth and depth of Maven’s provider network to its fullest extent, including a lactation consultant, nutritionist, career coach, sleep consultant, nurse, pediatrician, and more. “I don't know any other resource that would've been able to do something like that,” Pamela says. Every time she logged onto the Maven app, she knew she would be treated as a person, not just a patient—every provider took the time to get to know her and treated her with respect and empathy. 

Maven is also helping Pamela transition back to work after maternity leave. Returning to work is a difficult transition that many new parents face, with unexpected challenges and emotions. During her first week back at work, Pamela had to travel to a conference, and she was concerned about spending time away from her newborn. Luckily, Pamela had access to Maven Milk to ship her milk back home to her baby, easing her anxiety during a stressful time. With this support from Maven, Pamela felt more equipped to balance her career and her new motherhood. 

Pamela would describe Maven as, “everything you could ever want to help you through your pregnancy and beyond.” The continuous support through every phase of her journey gave her the tools to show up for her family—and herself. “I don't know what I would've done without it.”

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