Casey, a Boston-based mom of three, became a “Maven superuser” on maternity leave with her third child. When her employer, Vynamic, offered Maven to their team, Casey instantly saw all the ways Maven can support all three of her children who ranged in age from newborn to elementary school aged. Through Maven, Casey met with providers ranging from a lactation consultant and infant sleep coach for her newborn, a parent coach to navigate toddler tantrums, and a mental health provider to help her maintain work-life balance.
Building relationships with providers in moments that matter
Casey’s first call was with a sleep coach in the thick of her newborn daughter’s sleep training. Even though she had faced this twice before, each child's sleep habits and needs are different. Casey built a relationship with her sleep coach and met with her multiple times as she became a part of Casey’s support system. “I wish I had Maven for my first two kids,” Casey says. “I would go back to my sleep coach in a minute. That continuity is so nice.” Guidance from Maven helped fill in the gaps in knowledge and get her baby—and Casey—much-needed rest.
She felt a similar closeness with her Maven lactation consultant. Even though she had nursed her first two children, she had specific questions about her third child that her Maven lactation consultant was able to help her work through. “I feel really lucky I had Maven. Even as a third-time mom, I got so much value out of it.” Casey bonded with her providers as they got to know and understand her and her family. “There’s a consistency that you are able to find through Maven. It’s just easier to pick up in that next appointment. They’ll say, ‘Well, last time we talked about this.’” With this continuous, holistic care, Casey’s providers made sure she was informed and comfortable throughout her postpartum period.
I feel really lucky I had Maven. Even as a third-time mom, I got so much value out of it.
Support through every step of the parenting journey
Casey’s three kids are five-year-old, three-year-old, and almost one-year-old—meaning that each of them has very different needs. With the depth and breadth of Maven’s provider network, Casey found support for whatever parenting challenge she faced. One provider type that stood out to her was parent coaches for her toddlers. “Nobody tells you about toddler behavior,” Casey says. “You’re kind of prepared for the challenges that come with infants, but I feel like nobody prepares you for the challenges that come with toddlers.” Casey didn’t feel like there was an easy place to go to get support for toddlers before Maven—which is why Maven became a trusted source of information to help her parent through the toddler years.
When her three-year-old daughter was going through a phase of screaming at night before bedtime, Casey felt like she was at her wit’s end. “We had tried everything,” Casey remembers. “So I had a call with a parent coach on Maven. She made me feel validated and like this is normal. It was really nice.” Her Maven provider also gave her tangible advice for navigating her daughter’s tantrums. Within a week of talking to the parent coach, her daughter had stopped. When her son later also had some behavioral issues, Casey felt comfortable scheduling an appointment with the same provider, who already had an understanding of her family and her background. The parent coach recommended that Casey’s husband join her for the calls as well. “It was really great to feel that united front on parenting and have both of us sit and learn.”